Vita Mair - Free Spirit #1
Исполнитель микса:
Vita Mair
Основной стиль микса:
[0:15] Tech Us Out - Deeper Then Deep
[4:57] Dennis Bauer - Moments (Shadym Climax Remix)
[9:59] BYØRN - Asgard
[14:45] INGRID (IT) - Ratio (Arma Remix)
[17:40] Sutura - Reach Me
[22:40] Emmanuel Miro - Acid Prick
[26:50] Herbrido - Attention
[31:41] Scove - Dream of You
[35:10] Sebastian Groth, Gary Burrows & Markus Weigelt - Snow Leopard
[39:05] D NHOYER - Internal
[43:38] Supermode, Maddix - Tell Me Why
[47:06] Scove - Lithium Love
[50:56] Veyla - With You
[55:34] Arman John - Never Leave Your Side
320 Кбит | 60 мин. | 138 МБ | Добавлен: 2023-02-19 15:43:02